Knights Surgery relocation from 5 Dec 2022 to a Portakabin at Basildon Sporting Village

The GP Practice you are registered with, Knights Surgery, is moving from the premises it is currently sharing with Fryerns Medical Centre to a new building next to Basildon Sporting Village, off Cranes Farm Road.

This is only about half the distance for most people registered with Knights Surgery to travel from our original premises in Knights, which are no longer structurally sound.

The relocation is happening over the weekend of 3 and 4 December 2022, in two weeks’ time, with the first appointments at the new practice on 5 December 2022. The final appointments for our patients at Fryerns will therefore be on Friday 2 December. Patients with appointments after that date have already been notified of the new premises.

A new minibus service running in a curved route from Laindon past Knights to Asda, the Sporting Village, Basildon Hospital and Basildon town centre. The timetable is on our website under “News“ and printed copies are available from both the surgery and Basildon Hospital.

We also have a question-and-answer sheet available from our website and printed copies at the practice that we hope will address any concerns, but you are always welcome to or join our Patient Participation Group, email us on or call 01268 415888.

You will also see a question-and-answer list on our website’s “News” page that offers more information about the proposed changes.

Date published: 22nd November, 2022
Date last updated: 25th November, 2022